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Thursday, July 21, 2011

17 Months


July 21, 2011
The reason I never have time to open a book or download one onto the ipad is because I follow a plethora of blogs...mommy blogs, design blogs, photography, cooking, basically everything in life that makes me: me :-) One thing I noticed on the mommy blogs, is that although they diarize their babies growth so beautifully "month 17" is missing in many cases. Well now I know why.

This has been your busiest month of all. With your learning to walk last month, you are now trying to figure how to run and climb and jump. You want to go up the road, down the road, chase Bede and Mr. Scruff and never sit in your stroller. I had heard about this stage. Unless I put you in the ginormous car cart at the grocery store, in spite of only needing one item, there is just no way to get through the store without you taking off and tearing everything down in your wake. Of course everything you do is with a great shrill scream and tremendous excitement. It only makes chastising you that much more difficult because behind every "no Franki" I have a smirk. You are too darn adorable for your own good, just look at you in this picture sporting you very first ponytail!

As you get older, dad and I are trying to figure out the fine lines that separate treats from spoiling and teaching you sensible behavior versus having fun and knowing a good time needs to come to the end. Example: I was horrified to hear when you walked to the store with your dad, he gave you a fruit roll up treat, I am no opposed to treats contrary to what our family and friends think, I just want you eating stuff that wont give you a belly ache or cavities. Ok so its true. I worry allot. We we have come to an agreement, you are to get treats in any form every now and then. I will trust you will be ok :)

We are gearing p mentally for the next stage we are about to enter in, the potty training, toddler bed, no more sippy cup after bath etc etc. Im a little scared.

I really am grateful to you for being such a good girl, I hear other mums talk and you don't do any of the crazy stuff I overhear. You are so so good with going to bed with just your cup of tea, and sleep 13 hours a night, you are always smiley and more often than not you share. You are very loving and always wave hello and goodbye, even blowing kisses to the lucky few. You love bugs and cats and although you're a little freaked out by the airplanes (you always say uh-oh) you do like to point them out to me.

I love you more than life itself my angel bug.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Romans 8:31


Remember this if ever anyone is mean to you.

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