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Friday, October 21, 2011

20 Months


October 21, 2011

I've had several people ask me about the latest on your lymphangioma. We have still to wait for a second opinion from Boston. For now besides that we are simply watching your speech. I have had two people tell me to get you into speech therapy so not knowing what I am doing and out of my love for you and your happiness and health I called about it. They say you are too young now, but when you are two years and 9 months old we can call them back and they will evaluate you. We need to keep a close eye on your speech to see how the cystic hygroma will or will not effect you.

After seeing a video of your friend Cohen (remember he is one week younger than you) I was thoroughly impressed how many colors he knew. I've been putting allot of energy on letters and think maybe you are too young so am going to lay off for a bit and work more on colors. You are not too interested though so I am not going to push you, but al through our day I point out a single color. Last week we collected all your green toys and went looking for green frogs at the golf course. We also worked on white - your teeth are white, moms car and your play chair. Green you have a tough time with but white you can say and point out (high five-knuckles)

YAAAAAY you went poop for the first time in your potty!
You said "cuckky" and pointed to your booty. I noticed you were straining and told you: "Let's go to the toilet".
We took your diaper and socks off and you did what was left in you. GREAT Excitement - we called dadda and gigi to tell her the fun new news. I know you are young and this may take many months more but the fact that you told me is the first step in our potty training :-)

First sleep over!
Today, on October 21 we went to Ruben and Renee Garcia's wedding. All our usual care givers like aunty and gigi were going to be at the wedding, so you went to stay with Bri, Noah and Shea in their adorable house in Cardiff. Bri is 9 months pregnant which made me nervous I know how tiresome that can be on its own, but she is so sweet, and easy going, she said there were no problems. She said you were a very good girl and you and Shea hugged and kissed, rearranged the playroom chairs and held the babies. you got to eat a yogurt pop and went with Shea and her folks to the donut shop in your pajamas for breakfast - it sounded like you loved every minute, she said you didnt cry once or even get scared! I can't wait for Shea to come spend the night with us!

Current list of words:
Ant, bair (bear), bubble, bet (bed), bee, but (belt), birt (bird), boot, bug, baby, bag, ball, nana, bear, bed, bike, car, truck, wo-wan (owen), kees (cheese), chair, cheers, keys, keers (cheers), tea, mer-mee (mermaid), guck (duck), wog (frog), cookie, eee (ear), eh-ee (ele for elephant), bebee (berry), raffe (girafe), no, yeah, white, man, wallamalla (watermelon) bulla-uf (butterfly) pum-mum (pumpkin), kucka-poopoop, dee-dee (Diaper)

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