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Thursday, April 29, 2010

2 Months Wellness checkup (8 weeks)

April 29, 2010

What a scary day. You had to go see Doctor Rathbun for your two month checkup. Although you once again received raving reviews, you had to toughen up and take 3 shots, two on one leg and one on the other. I spoke about the possibility of spreading out the shots but it would just prolong the pain and there has been proof now, which I won't go into that there is not correlation to autism and vaccinations.

She had her second round of shots: Hep B, Polio, Pneumococcal, Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Rotavirus and Hib. You were very brave because you stopped crying after only a few minutes but the initial shock broke my heart, you cried so hard you almost gagged :-(

On a positive note, you are tall and although you appear to be chubby you are average for your length.
Her current specs are:
Weight: 13.5oz
Length: 24 inches
Head Circumference: 16 inches

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Forever in our heart


In celebration of the birth of our first born and most precious angel child, my husband and I went to Hagen in Cardiff and had tattoos inked onto our skin. Hubby got his written across his heart and I had mine done on my wrist where I can see it at all times. We will forever and always love our baby girl and pledge to always protect and sacrifice for her happiness and achievement. This was our way of acknowledging this. Many of our friends showed up at the parlor to witness this exciting event. Auntie Steph, Jordan, Jeff, Ruben and Auntie Danielle even got her own tattoo that day (Bruno)

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