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Sunday, October 10, 2010

First time at the beach!

October 10, 2010
We briefly took you once before to the beach but you weren't happy and the wind was howling so we count this time as your real first time. We went to Moonlight beach in Encinitas where we could get close enough parking to the sand as we had your stroller and bags and food and towels to carry.

I was nervous at first because it was a really hot and very bright day - typical mom didn't want you straining your eyes too much. We slathered you in lotion and dad was so excited to get your litle feet in the water. I again...was worried it would be too cold but you absolutely loved it, so much so that dad walked a bit further into the waves for you to hear them crashing. Of course I was telling dad, "don' go too far in a wave could knock you". Your dad is very patient with me.

I enjoyed letting you stand holding my fingers with your little toes in the wet sand. You kept moving them like little worms trying to figure out what that strange texture was. You just stood there for ages looking around, occasionally letting out a giggle as some older kids would run past you playing. You so badly want to be able to join in the fun, I have a feeling once you start walking and maybe even crawling I'm not going to see much of you. You have such an independent spirit.

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