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Monday, November 15, 2010

6 week checkup - Lymphangioma

Two weeks after your first procedure we took you to the specialist for a followup - since nothing had changed and you weren't having any issues we scheduled another appointment for 6 weeks late. Now at 8 weeks after your procedure we see a huge difference in your mouth, almost as much as 50% difference however the cysts are still filled with liquid and being agitated by your sharp little teeth that are now poking through and causing blood blisters.

Since you were such a star patient and recovered so well Doctor Magit would like to schedule anothe procedure for you at Rady's before Christmas and after thanksgiving. I am ok with this because I want you to have more comfort when more teeth come along. He said they would most likely give you the same antibiotic as last time but a little more so it should work a little more aggressively. So mcu prayer was sent out in your name and so much prayer was answered I am certain this may be the last of the procedures for a very long time.

For now we wait for the call for the date...

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