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Thursday, April 21, 2011

14 Months

April 21, 2011
It has warmed up considerably; you’re wearing shoes less and even have several pairs of shorts. I love seeing your little chubby legs, I have missed them because they are always covered up. If you hurry and start walking, we can put you in dresses!

You absolutely love drinking out of a straw, you either pinch my cup from the bedside table or you sip sip sip away from the cute little bottle I bought you. With all your teething lately you have not been too interested in food, but if I make confetti rice – you gobble it up every time.

MORE TEETH! Yup…you got two more in the back on the top. You gave us two weeks straight of sleeping through the night – first time since you were 5 and a half months old. Now you are back to waking a few times a night, I just think you must be so uncomfortable with those sharp little pegs poking through. You are like me, no pain medication relieves your discomfort, and neither do the teething pills, homeopathic treatments and holistic tinctures. Just prayer, love and the occasional warm bottle

You are actually communication now. I don’t know what you are saying but I talk back to you anyway. You love telling me about stuff because you point, make facial expressions and laugh out loud. You are extremely smart. The only real word you say is dada and you try to say duck.

My favorite new things you do, is when Mr. Scruff barks you put your pointer your finger to your lips and say:”sssssssssss” you have learned about your fingers and wiggle them about. You understand the word “dance” so when I put some music on ask you to dance with me you tap your one foot and nod your head to one side. I smile just thinking about it.

You have learned how to get your way. Tantrums. Oh my goodness, whenever we try to change your diaper or pick you up to leave the house when you are playing, you kick your little legs with all your might and scream blue murder. It seems to work well with you dad, he hates to see you upset. Me, not so much, I know you’re not really upset that is just the only way you know how to tell us you really really don’t want your “dee-dee” changed. The good thing is you get over it really quickly and move onto the next exciting adventure.

I introduced you to marie biscuits! These were my favorite growing up. They are a south African biscuit that are thin and have their own unique flavor. One day when you are a bit old I will show you how to dip them on milk and make a sandwich with butter between them.

Because you wake up at 6:30am now instead of 8am, you get tired really early. Jenni usually lays you down around 9:30 and you sleep two hours. On those days, by the time I get you at 2:30 you are ready for another little nap. I like it when you nap because you are well rested and chipper but I also dislike it because I miss you all day long, and can’t wait to see and play with you.

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