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Sunday, August 21, 2011

18 Months

August 21, 2011

You are so so smart. I often under estimate you since you can barely talk - but then you will figure something out all on your own and I suddenly realize how fast you are growing, not just physically but mentally and emotionally too. The other day when you had sucked all the air from your sippy cup, you knew if you turned the nipple sideways and bit down it would relieve the pressure and you could get more liquid out!

When I say - its dinner time, lets sit in your chair, you run to the drawer with the spoons, and although you can't see inside the draw - your little hand fishes around until you feel one of your spoons. You're not quite feeding yourself yet but definitely getting better which surprises me since all your shaped block toys, you have down, no problem you simply slot the specific shape its the correct shaped hole.

Your mannerisms continue to keep us giggling. You now role your eyes, shrug your shoulders, close your eyes when you want us to go away and love doing your own summersaults on the bed - unassisted!

More words this month...
Buh-boo = bubble
Mah = more
Bah = bus

This month was a magical one. Not only did mom turn the big three-five, but your nana met you for the first time!
On August 12, 2011 dad picked you up from Jenni's and I drove downtown o get my mom. She had flown over 27 hours hours to come see us. When I saw her coming down the escalator at San Diego International, I could not hold back my blubs, we embraced and cried like babies we were so happy. I have not seen my mommy in two years. Now that I myself am a mommy to a daughter I can now understand how heart wrenching it must be to be so far from your love, blood and flesh.

Your nana was overjoyed the first time she met you. You had been napping, so when we got you out the crib you just stared at her as she felt your likely hair and gave you cuddles. It was a very special moment I will never forget. We spent most of our days at home walking about the neighborhood, just relaxing and catching up. There were a few days where I needed to go to work and so your nan took care of you, cooked for you and gave you smooches. She so enjoyed your lively personality, she let you jump on her and squeeze her to the point where she had little bruises everywhere, but she didn't even care. She was just so happy to see your smily face and disheveled hair.

It was very, very sad saying goodbye to nana. We dropped her at the airport and went to park the car. We had to take a shuttle bus back to the airport because they are doing construction on the parking. I was so worried we would not see her again to say a proper goodbye. You were very excited to be on the bus. It was your first time. Thank goodness we did see nana again. We walked the hallway and looked at the art and nana showed you all the different colored busses that were passing by. But you got tired. It was late and so it was time to leave. You gave nana a big kiss and so did mommy and we waved goodbye. Soon we will see nana again and mommy is very excited for when that day comes.

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