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Tuesday, February 21, 2012



Monday, February 20, 2012

24 Months


February 21, 2012

Its that time.
When someone asks me how old you are and I simply start answering "two" - no longer will we count your age in months.

This is the last blog post I will write on your monthly developments. You are a big girl now. Its time to start treating you like a toddler and no longer like my little infant, although you will ALWAYS be my baby. I will continue to document all your wonderful milestones and the curious things you say - but I suspect that they will be less frequent so I will now keep a book for you.

I worked hard putting your party together. You LOVE bubbles and Elmo so I joined the two together and illustrated and designed all the matching pink elmo decor so you would have a a fun themed party of your dreams in gigi and papas back yard..

All your closest friends came to your party. Only Owen couldnt make it because him and his little brother were sick. You got beautiful toys and clothes - all your favotite things - minnie mouse, hello kitty, disney, baby dolls, tea sets, bath toys - you even got a watch!!!

My favorite part of the whole day was when you were opening presents, as tired as you were you managed to keep a smile on your face, jump up and down and clap your hands. You never complained once, the entire day. I am so incredibly blessed to have such a gentle and sweet little girl.

I remember before you.
Before your dad.
When I was a very busy and very single young lady.
My mom, your Nana, said to me: "One day you will have a child, and you will not remember what you did before their existence." I thought (respectfully) she had lost her marbles. I was so busy how would I possibly forget my day to day schedule.

Its true. As always, Nana was right. My life was nothing before I met you. Not a day goes by that I don't want to hold your hand as I drive until my arm goes numb, not a moment passes that I don't want to share fairy kisses and hear you giggle. I look forward to coloring with you, dancing, reading and snuggling - thats all that matters to me is to feel your warm breathe on my cheek. You are amazing.

Two years ago today I was asleep the recliner in your nursery because my belly was SO HUGE I couldn’t get comfortable in my own bed. Little did I know that just 5 hours later I would be headed to the hospital, in labor and already 5 centimeters dilated.

Tonight, I was in the exact same place as I was two years ago only this time I held you in my arms reading you your bedtime story and giggling about how"minnie" got out her cage and how the "mermee" has wet hair from the bath.

I shed a tear - not because I am sad. Simply because you are growing up so fast. I want to slow time down and cherish more with you. I am grateful for your health, curiosity, happy go lucky personality and your beautiful soul.

Happy Birthday Bugsy.
I love you more than all the stars in the sky.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

For the man like your dad

I'm going to tell you now, days away from your second birthday that your dad is the best man you will ever know. I knew I loved him and wanted to marry him because e is the kind of guy I would want my daughter to marry. Then I had you. One day you will go on dates and one day you will fall in love. I will always urge you to pick a man not much unlike your dad.

Your dad, although a bit of a "los kop" is brave, strong, sincere, sensitive, noble, helpful, kind, genuine, serious, smart, creative, loving, honorable, dignified, charismatic, friendly, social, honest, faithful man.

That being said - when you fall in love with a man like your dad one day. This is the advice I have for you:

Write him letters
Go on regular date nights
Write his name on lipstick on the bathroom mirror
Revitalize the romance with intimate dates
Pray together
Hide notes in secret places
Go to bed at the same time
Listen to music together-share earbuds
Send him on a scavenger hunt in the house
Buy him gifts he will love
Hide a treat in his glovebox or desk at work
Read the Bible together
Praise your spouse to other people
Let them overhear you
Read a marriage devotional
Porn-proof your home
Be best friends
Sleep in his t-shirts
Look to him to make the big decisions (see comment section for my opinion on #20, #21)
Don’t nag him
Renew your vows privately with whispers and memories
Renew them publicly with cake and bubbly
Fight naked
Tell him you like him
Receive his compliments
Pick your battles
Go away together at least once a year
Frame your wedding vows
Hang pictures of the two of you around your house
Kiss in front of your kids
Make his favorite dessert
Make sex a priority
Spend time apart occasionally
Learn to enjoy something he loves
Surprise each other
Meet him at the door
Text each other from across the room
Be accountable to each other
Set reminders on your phone to remember him/her throughout the week
Be affectionate
Leave work and come home early
Engage every day in meaningful conversation
Compliment each other
Touch your spouse several times throughout the day
Take one day a month to make your spouse your total focus
Let each other sleep in
Be spontaneous!
Argue fair: avoid these words “you always” and “you never”
Kiss every day
Find tangible ways to serve your mate without complaining
Forgive quickly
Be honest.
But not hurtful
Get on the same page: plan your budget together
Look your best as often as you can
Guard your marriage
Get out of debt (and stay out)
Laugh together
Have a date night in
When your together-BE TOGETHER (take a break from phones, technology, etc)
Talk about your favorite memories together
Tell him he’s sexy just because
Tell her she’s pretty, especially when she’s not feeling it
Make him breakfast in bed - unless he is like your dad and is up at the crack of dawn!
Get a couple’s massage or host your own privately
Read a book out loud together
Dance together-soft music (alone) or rocking music with the kids
Bring him a favorite drink during the middle of the day
Exercise together-hikes, bike riding, etc
Choose not to be annoyed by an irritating behavior/disappointment
Tell him a secret he doesn’t know about you
Thank your spouse just because, often
Sit on the same side of a booth at a restaurant
Lay in bed together and stare into each other eyes, without talking
Learn something new together-take an art class, cooking lessons, etc
Leave a sweet comment on the Facebook wall
Teach your kids about marriage
Stop what you’re doing, look them in the eye and listen to their answer
Create art together
Support each other’s goals
Know when to talk and when to hush
Consider counseling (even if there’s not conflict)
Doodle his name
Bring her flowers (even when she says they are too expensive)
Wear something he loves
Share furniture-sit in his lap
Fight for your marriage

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

101 things to do with my toddler

1. Color
2. Blow Bubbles
3. Play Hide-and-Seek
4. Peek-a-Boo
5. Play Chase
6. Do Finger-plays
7. Sing a song
8. Collect rocks in a basket
9. Make an obstacle course out of cushions and/or furniture
10.Make a fort out of cushions and sheets
11. Go for a Walk
12. Make a Car out of a Box
13. Read a book
14. Go to the park
15. Finger-paint
16. Play with Play-Dough
17. Toss Bean bags into a Bucket
18. Play the shell and pea game
19. Dance to music

20. Download games for toddlers from the Internet
21. Practice putting things in and taking things out of boxes and bags
22. Make a temporary slide out of a table leaf and your couch
23. Roll a ball back and forth on the floor
24. Scoop dirt or sand into a child's bucket (or use a serving spoon and bowl)
25. Practice climbing by stacking boxes on top of each other (only with adult supervision)
26. Put on a puppet show
27. Go fishing with a yard stick and yarn
28. Make a Horseshoe game
29. Make a Shape Puzzle
30. Play paper basketball
31. Run through a Sprinkler
32. Play with a bucket of water and a sponge (PLEASE WATCH CHILD AT ALL TIMES!)
33. Make a Drum out of an oatmeal box
34. Play with a kazoo
35. Wash windows together
36. Bang on Pots and Pans with a spoon
37. Brush each other's teeth
38. Play dress-up with stuffed animals and your child's clothes
39.Stack canned or boxed food on top of each other
40. Let child stack mixing bowls inside each other

41. Make a playhouse out of a large box
42. Let child play with a sticker sheet (make sure your child doesn't eat them!)
43. Put stickers on fingers for finger puppets
44. Play a musical instrument together- i.e.recorder, piano, etc.
45. Go on a Smelling Hunt
46. Frost Cookies
47. Plant a flower or vegetable plant together
48. Roll a tennis ball into an empty trash can or bucket
49. Draw on a mirror with dry-erase markers
50. Play hide and seek together- trying to find a stuffed animal or other object
51. Have a splash party together in the bathtub
52. Put a leash on a stuffed animal and walk around the house
53. Record each other on a tape recorder (great for scrapbooks or journals!)
54. Make and try on paper hats
55. Give a piggy-back ride
56. Play "Horsey"
57. Talk into an electric fan (it distorts your voice)
58. Play tug-of-war with a blanket
59. Collect flowers (felt, artificial, real...)
60. Make a camera and go on a Safari

61. Play games with lids
62. Disconnect your phone and pretend to make phone calls to relatives
63. Leave your phone connected and really make phone calls to relatives- let your child talk too
64. String large beads onto or along a shoelace
65. Squirt each other with squirt bottles
66. Glue shapes onto paper
67. Make sock puppets
68. Make paper puppets
69. Fill an old purse with toys
70. Use a paper towel tube as a megaphone
71. Make binoculars and go "Bird Watching" or "Stuffed Animal Watching"
72. Put snacks in different fun containers (paper sacks, empty canisters, etc.)
73. Act out a story from a book
74. Walk on a balance beam- use a 2x4 placed on the ground
75. Draw with chalk on the sidewalk
76. Sketch an outline of your child on the sidewalk or paper with chalk
77. Paint child's palms with tempura paint and blot on paper. Makes a great card for loved ones!
78. Put lipstick on child and kiss a mirror
79. Make a puddle on cement and splash barefoot in it
80. Let child decorate and eat an open peanut butter sandwich
81. Make a toilet paper barricade for child to go under, over, or through
82. Do the Hokey Pokey
83. Make a super-hero costume out of household items
84. Do Knee-Bouncing Rhymes
85. Play "Red Light, Green Light" saying "Go" and "Stop"
86. Make a shoe-box train for stuffed animals
87. Make a pillow pile to jump on (keep it clear from any hard surfaces, including walls!)
88. Make an easy puzzle with felt and Velcro
89. Make bracelets or collars for stuffed animals out of pipe cleaners and jingle bells
90. Learn numbers from a deck of cards
91. Play the matching game with a deck of cards
92. Make a domino chain
93. Have a picnic in the park, backyard, or living room!
94. Play dress up in Mommy or Daddy's clothes
95. Make a tin cup telephone and talk to each other in it
96. Make a nature collage
97. Mirror each other
98. Make a "Mummy Mommy" with toilet paper
99. Make a tape recording of short music selections and instructions to move in different ways
100. Make and walk along a toilet paper trail


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