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Thursday, February 18, 2010

38 weeks

On Friday it was time to see Dr. Chortkoff again. She checked me and confirmed that I am 3cm dilated, 80%effaced and lost my mucus plug. She said if we wanted to go into the hospital they would book me in, but since my contractions are not consistent, that would mean inducing me. I have my whole life with daughter I see no rush to hurry her birth 2 weeks before she is "officially" due. If I got past my due date - which Dr. Says is highly unlikely then I will consider induction.

The worst part about this week was the awful timing of the onslaught of germs! I caught the bronchitis bug, its going around something horrid. I don't mind losing my voice (neither does my husband :-P ) and don't even care about the runny nose, but the cough hurts so badly, I feel like I'm squeezing my child so hard and of course feeling like I have been run over by a bus has its challenges. I compare it to when I did triathlon. I've watched my habits, my eating, my weight, trained hard to be able to finish strong, not first or fast, but to have a good race with stamina and endurance...I'm all psyched up and then...To wake up race day sick! I am so close to the end, any minute I could have this baby and the fear of having to push and endure a long labor with this awful germ is heart breaking, not to mention not being able to care for or cuddle my baby for fear of getting her sick! I keep praying I am going to wake up all better.

Getting up at 5:30am and getting ready looking half way presentable for the office has become too much of a challenge. Its difficult to walk in the morning and every time I would get out my chair to go to the fax machine I would feel as if I was about to drop her. Although I have not been tired, I am definitely awkward and sore, and dealing with the additional liquids etc in the office place is just too much to bare, so I requested from my boss at the brokerage firm if I could make Friday my last day. He was extremely understanding and had no problems. I will miss being in the office, the work, the challenges and the girls, but I also know that resting a week to two before I give birth will stand me in good stead. I am unsure what is happening with my design job, I am hoping to be able to still get projects that I can help with and work from home, but I know thats allot to ask since its really tough to communicate with that particular job as a telecommuting designer.

This was my beloved's and my last Valentines as a couple. Its not a sad thing at all, we are excited to share future holidays no matter how cheesy with Franki. My hunny always makes it a fun evening so I know our little girl will just love the love and excitement. This year he bought some lobster and steaks at the grocery store, prepared and cooked them up for us. It was a real treat in spite of the fact that I was probably the lamest valentine in the history of mankind being 9 months pregnant and as sick as a dog.

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