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Monday, July 26, 2010


Woodland creatures in an baroque enchanted forest...Sounds pretty extravagant for a toddlers room. We have had great fun in the brightly colored "robot room" but our little girl is growing up and mom has begun to embrace girly things (shocker!). I've been working on ideas for her room ever since we purchased a cute pottery barn toddler bed from a friend for a steal.

Two of my favorite books growing up were The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Narnia sounded like a place I would love to live filled with fawns, talking birds, wise owls and little homes in the trees. So delightful! The other was The Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton.This book too my imagination to far off enchanted places that inspired so much of my fun and games, so naturally I want to shares the delights of my heart with my precious child. I also LOVE owls so to have them in the enchanted bedroom, will be an added bonus. I simply adore this blog all about owls!

So away away we go...With a basis in Baroque and shabby chic, I will create a room of merriment and wonder :-) Some of these items I will use as inspiration and make myself, other items I will purchase.

Bean Bag, mobile, birch log cushions, bird lamp, distressed frames, distressed fleur de lis shelves, shabby side table,

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

5 Months old today!


July 21, 2010

My sweet angel girl, what a busy day we had the day you turned 5 months old. Your buddy Cohen came to play and you weren't very friendly, you have not been yourself the last few days. You have been crying allot during the day and wanting to be hold which is quite different from your usual independent personality. I fear your teething is starting to really annoy you, the reason I say this is because you have hardly wanted to eat, and for you, thats quite out of the ordinary. usually you gobble up your 6oz bottles and slurp away at the spoon at breakfast and dinner.

I tried to take you out for a nice long walk, the weather has been so hot lately but today it was nice a cool. I thought you would like to celebrate being 5 months old by looking at your favorite things, trees but you were not in the mood. Thats okay, I brought you home, laid you on our bed and cuddled and kissed you. You squealed and giggle so I knew you would be just fine. You had a bit of dinner and a nice bath, where you continued to giggle and kick those little tuna boat legs.

I was completely sidetracked from packing your laundered clothes away when you were laying staring up at me from the carpet, munching on the only thing that alleviates the teething, your spongey numbers and smiling. Its really hard to get anything done these days you are just so darn cute.

I love you "smudge" you make me a better person. Can't wait until you wake up from your nap so I can squeeze and cuddle you some more!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

First time rolling over (4 month old)


July 14 2010
I was wondering when this was going to happen, she wasn't even trying to role and all the babies around her age were already going from back to tummy and tummy to back. I'm not going to push her although we have been encouraging her when she's been on tummy time. Well low and behold, whilst laying on her mat on the living room floor she was trying to get to a toy that was slightly out of reach, she lifted her legs and looked above her and over she went, back to tummy. I thought that was a fluke because she did that once before on a soft surface, well she did it two more times that day and when I went to check on her in her crib whilst having her afternoon nap. I found her half on her side half on her back (see picture) she's been rolling everyday since :-)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Special Specialist appointment

Today we met with Dr. Anthony Magit, who I call the "special specialist" because the specialist Dr. Douglas Brewster referred us to this Ear Nose and Throat guy, who has had allot of experience with Cystic hygroma. He was very friendly, calm and knowledgeable. He is currently treating two children with the same ailments and their treatments are reacting well.

He is the guy that anyone could hope for so our prayers have been answered by having him take care of Franki. He showed us the MRI pictures and the big bulge under tongue is not even the largest one, there is one on the left side of her throat thats larger, they can't tell how many but each bulge has several little cysts inside, what they are going to do is drain the big ones, then using an ultrasound machine syringe alcohol and a detergent through her neck/muscles etc directly into each cyst, this should shrink them.

This is a lengthy procedure that will be done over time in pieces, possibly even up to two years. He says they cant assure they wont come back and because there are legs that split off, they never really go away forever they just no longer are large or effect anything, they just sit there dormant. He is going to set up her first procedure in about a month. She will be put under anesthesia each time and have to stay two or more days overnight in hospital each time they do this, the cysts will swell up larger before they get smaller and there is no telling how long each one will take to go way down.

He also mentioned she will have no side effects and she continue eating as normal every time she gets discharged from the hospital each time after 2 or 3 days. He has full confidence she will respond well and forsee's no problems. Please continue to pray for her that everything will go smoothly.

I am not even sure I absorbed it all, I should have had a dictaphone, thank goodness I did not have to go alone, hubby as there the whole time.

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