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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

5 Months old today!

July 21, 2010

My sweet angel girl, what a busy day we had the day you turned 5 months old. Your buddy Cohen came to play and you weren't very friendly, you have not been yourself the last few days. You have been crying allot during the day and wanting to be hold which is quite different from your usual independent personality. I fear your teething is starting to really annoy you, the reason I say this is because you have hardly wanted to eat, and for you, thats quite out of the ordinary. usually you gobble up your 6oz bottles and slurp away at the spoon at breakfast and dinner.

I tried to take you out for a nice long walk, the weather has been so hot lately but today it was nice a cool. I thought you would like to celebrate being 5 months old by looking at your favorite things, trees but you were not in the mood. Thats okay, I brought you home, laid you on our bed and cuddled and kissed you. You squealed and giggle so I knew you would be just fine. You had a bit of dinner and a nice bath, where you continued to giggle and kick those little tuna boat legs.

I was completely sidetracked from packing your laundered clothes away when you were laying staring up at me from the carpet, munching on the only thing that alleviates the teething, your spongey numbers and smiling. Its really hard to get anything done these days you are just so darn cute.

I love you "smudge" you make me a better person. Can't wait until you wake up from your nap so I can squeeze and cuddle you some more!

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