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Monday, August 17, 2009

13 weeks

Time for the first bump picture. For those who have been asking and wondering here it is. Its enough to stick out of my cute tank tops and make me look like I have consumed too much beer, but not enough to be "oh she's pregnant" so I have been keeping my clothing very lose and flowing. As soon as I have a definite "pregnancy" bump I will work it :-)

We had our second checkup on August 19 and got to meet Dr. Dana Chortkoff our OBGYN. She said that I have gained 2 LB (total of 132LB) since our 8 week check up and listened to the heartbeat on a Doppler. It was a healthy 150BPM (Average is 140-160) I also got some blood drawn for down syndrome testing. I was disappointed that we didn't get another ultrasound as we would love to get another visual of our little one. Nate has been amazing as everyone can expect and plans on being at almost all the appointments. Dr. Chortkoff said that our bean is almost 3 inches. We have another one of these appointments in a month.

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