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Thursday, November 5, 2009

24 weeks: Letter to our daughter

November 5, 2009

Dear Baby girl,

Wow, I can’t believe how fast time is going and how fast you are growing! It seems like just yesterday that you resembled a “smudge” (no offense) on the 8 week ultrasound. Now you are a big girl, with hair and lung branches and moving all the time, especially when your dog Mr. Scruff barks and when your dad speaks.

There’s not too much longer to go, but please try to stay warm and cozy in there for at least 12 more weeks. You need to continue to “bake” and be the healthiest that you can be so that there won’t be any problems with you make your entrance into the world. I am sorry about all my coughing, I found out yesterday from the doctor at urgent care that I have a sinusitis with a nasal drip and although I would love to ease yoru tension by taking medication to stop the coughing, I am limited because I don't want those nasty chemicals effecting you in anyway.

You are in my every thought and dad and I want to be the best parents we can be to you. Of course that will come with a lot of worrying (mostly on my part), but I’ll try not to bother you with that. I don’t want to be “that” kind of mom.

Speaking of worrying, I was watching Oprah the other day and was a little disturbed how fast kids are growing up these days, not just mentally but physically thats why I have taken certain measures to ensure I consume as many food and drink items that are organic as possible so you don't get boobs at 10 years old. I hope that you take your time being a kid. Please don’t try to grow up too quickly because you’ll have your whole life to be an adult and have responsibilities.

Today I have had allot of lemon juice and honey to ease my coughing and I don't know if its the sour or the sweet but you have been kicking up a storm, I played a game by place a pencil on my belly when I was at work and you kicked it right off! I always try to get your dad to feel you, but you're a tease and stop as soon as he puts his hand on me.

Speaking of your dad, I just wanted to tell you how wonderful he is. I’m sure you’ll figure that on your own when you finally get to meet him, but I’ll give you a heads up right now about him. You know, I really lucked out with marrying such a great guy. I won’t get all sappy on you because I’m sure you’ll find that to be gross, but just know that you have an amazing dad, he has such integrity, works very very hard to provide for us, loves us conditionally and is very kind to all animals and humans. He does everything in his power to make sure that I’m happy and I know that it will increase so much with you (if that’s even possible).

He says that you and I are his driving force. See, I bet you didn’t know what an impact you have on us already. Everything we do is with you in mind. We even talk about how it will be once you are here. Honestly, I really can’t imagine how life will be with you here, but I’m excited to find out! I just hope that you know how much we already love you.

I hear all the time that a person doesn’t know what love is until they are a parent. I can’t wait to experience that because I feel like I already do know what love is because of how much I love your dad, our dogs, and you.


Your mommy

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