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Thursday, November 26, 2009

26 weeks: Thanksgiving

What a day to celebrate the 27 week mark. Thanksgiving November 26, 2009.
I am so grateful and fortunate to have our healthy baby girl growing stronger and stronger in my belly each day. I am thankful that as far as pregnancy's go I have had a really "easy" time. As we complete the last lap of the 2nd trimester and start moving into the third I can definitely feel some dramatic changes in the last week.

I have been emotional, not to say its the pregnancy for certain, as I am always a little sad around the holidays being in a different hemisphere from my family, but I have been weepy over the silliest things and feel completely unattractive. My love says I look wonderful, he has been nothing short of dependable, loving, nurturing and understanding. I am thankful for that. I know, I know: I’m pregnant. I’m totally not complaining about the amount of weight I’ve gained because I feel okay with that. It’s just my whole body is different and changing for a baby.

My stomach is so big that I can’t see anything below my bellybutton. My arms are more flabby. My butt has widened. My legs resemble cottage cheese. My boobs are out of control complete with blue veins...And don’t even get me started on what’s going on with my hips…As my sister mentioned, thank goodness its not summer with every bikini clad bombshell scooting about before my eyes. Its cold enough now that most everyone is just as wrapped up as I am. Okay so enough with the violins...The plus side is that my sister in law, who I might add is a month ahead of me and smaller than me...Can vent until the cows come home being in the same frame of mind.

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