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Thursday, October 29, 2009

23 weeks

I can barely keep up with my blog time flies by so fast!

The baby girl is doing great! She loves to move her head toward the lower front of my belly which hurts allot, but I just gently tap her and ask her to move and being the obedient daughter she is..she moves :-) She is more than 11 inches long and already weighs over a pound. They say her hearing is really keen and so I hesitate to stop the dogs barking so she can get used to them now so she isn't as freaked out once she is out the womb.

Nate took this picture of me whilst we were out celebrating his 31st birthday over the weekend (11/1/09). I am loving the bump and even bought a new dress to celebrate the enormous bulge. My belly button is becoming flatter abd flatter which means the next step is to pop outward...stay tuned for that momentous announcement!

I am starting to have a tough time time climbing out the bathtub after a shower as I am finding my kneee kicks my belly as I left to step over. I have also noticed my shoes getting progressively tighter, not because my feet are swollen but because I think they are growing...with everything else. I just had my hair cut two weeks ago and it has grown so fast I already look like the Quacker oatmeal guy!

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