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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

27 weeks

Its nearly Christmas time!!! This year I have spent allot of time reflecting, to think next year we will be celebrating the holidays with our 11 month old! I was so overjoyed when my love said we could go get a tree, we have slowly been collecting ornaments that are indicative of, wine, robots, snowflakes and snowboarding...and I bought a few more basics but when we picked up our short and stubby tree I didn't care about the size I was just so happy to enjoy the smell and decorate!!! Having Danielle with us makes it that much more special to be able to share.

I have not had much time to read of late, in fact I have not had time to do anything. I have been blessed this week with a few more small freelance jobs that will hopefully be able to go straight to savings and cover bills when I am not working to stay home with the growing bean.

I am really big now, in the last 5 days I have billowed and now practically nothing fits anymore, so as a result exercise has been at the top of my mind. I figure like a triathlon, manageable labors happen to women who have prepared by means of resting, learning and taking care of general health. I have been doing yoga about once a week with a friend Belinda from Soul Fusion, so far it has offered me comfort mentally, and physically but the biggest challenge of all is finding the time to do it everyday because that's where I will really see results.

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