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Thursday, September 10, 2009

16 weeks

It was a very big day for us today, we could barely contain ourselves waiting for 1:30 when we would see our child in a 4D ultrasound. We went to "The Ultrasound Experience" in San Marcos, the ladies that work there were excited and friendly and we even received a small gift for being referred by a friend. Best results for a 4D sonogram is 23 weeks so we knew our baby would look "skinny", the key reason for us making the appointment was to find out the gender, but seeing her up there, seeing her move, her heartbeat, her hands and nose, was priceless.

She was fast asleep when we started, she was clutched to the placenta which is as big as she is, when the tech started to poke my belly she started to move, she opened her mouth, she kicked her legs, moved her arms and hugged and rubbed her face on the placenta. We already know she is a cuddle bug. IT was crazy to see her moving so much and yet I couldn't feel a thing.

We took two pairs of booties to the tech and told her to secretly put whichever booties belonged to the the appropriate gender into a sealed box. We took that box with the ultrasound image inside displaying the gender parts to mom and dad's house, we invited Jessica and the rest of the family was there. We opened the box and all got the same news at the same time. We were not expecting to see the girl booties but are so overjoyed to be having the first girl Bruno grandchild. In celebration, Stephanie gave us this beautiful designer clothes from Mabels and mom gave us a sweet little robot for her room. Yes a robot...thats the theme :-)

THIS WEEK: Apparently she will double in size. Already she is about 4 1/2 inches long. I think I started feeling her, a fluttery, fizzy feeling at night but that could be so many things. My belly is still on the small size yet clothes are starting to feel more snug. I am loving the little VW Rabbit so much I even named "her" in Jessica Rabbit :-) The big craving over the last 5 days...fresh tart lemonade with bits.

BIRTH: Drew Jalen Davis was born today to proud parents Drew and Angelique and sister Mia. He was 7.1 pounds and is 21 inches long. He is a perfect little guy and I can't wait for our little girl to met her friends. Drew just born, Nayeli Jessica Flore's baby girl and her cousin Bennett Ritchie due in January!

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