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Thursday, September 3, 2009

15 weeks

4 months today! Gone are the days that people refer to months, everything is in weeks and we have 25 weeks to go! My belly has finally popped past the point of the "beer belly" and actually looks like a "bun in the oven" I even measured the bump and for those of you in the US it is a whopping 35 inches round.

Still...I feel awesome. Full of energy, no cravings, no worries or weird stuff. This little person is such a blessing. Yesterday I was tempted to do the inteligender, but the hubby wants to wait until our 20 week mark when its 100% accurate. The intelligender test is only 90% accurate. We will also find out the same time as the family which is very important to him. So we wait. Just a tad longer. :-)

I would say this week I have been consumed with decorating ideas. My parents brought us a pillow from South Africa with cute little robots all over. I LOVE ROBOTS, so will be using this one pillow as my inspiration. If its a girl I think I will lean towards the sunny colors: Orange, red and yellow. If its a boy I will lean towards the cool colors: greens and blues. I found a super deal on a Graco crib too...I will be going with my MIL this weekend to check it out! I'm very excited to get started...Thats the planner in me.

Another big move in the baby direction is we downsized our car! I sold the luxury shi-shi-la-la car and got the slick city economy car for the cool mom :-) This is my 6th VW and it goes like a bullet, the trunk space is super roomy, perfect for the Bob, its a heavy car with thick doors so very secure and safe too. Cutting our payments in half will help the budget for our little family.

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