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Thursday, October 22, 2009

22 weeks

A friend of mine Belinda offered to ease my tension and lack of sleep by doing a session of reflexology. She concentrated on me being pregnant and what was best for our baby girl, it was an amazing experience. Not only did I elapse into an Alpha state but my sinus issues seems to disappear. Now whether that was the candles or me being on my back or the reflexology I don't know but it was soothing all the same. A very interesting happening occurred at home about 15 minutes after the reflexology. I had contractions, strong contractions for about 10 minutes. I wasn't sure how to handle them so I got on all fours and just breathed slowly. I wasn't sure if laying on my back for 45 minutes or the reflexology was what brought it on, but one thing I can say if it brings on contractions I am doing it again closer to the birthing day to help minimize my chances of being induced.


I have been taking it slow, going to my friend Jessica's gym to workout, I do a little pre-core machine and some light weights but that's been about it. Well this week I decided to walk 3 miles. I started to cramp miserably so stopped several times. I thought walking would be good for me but clearly there was too much stress otherwise I assume there would not have been such pain. I am going to keep with my previous plan as I never experienced any cramping of any sort.

Baby Specs
Our little girl is about 11 inches long now and almost 1 pound. Her lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and she's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath her gums. Her eyes have formed, but her irises still lack pigment.

Still no sign of stretch marks but then my belly is still only measuring 37" I am obviously pregnant now and have had a few friends asked to touch my belly, I love it. I am not sure why people don't like their bellies touched, but I think its cute that people want to connect with our little girl. She seems to have slowed her movements down a bit, instead of being a jumping bean her movements feel to be a little more fluid.

We are 100% certain on her name and I will be "going public" with it pretty soon :-)

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