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Friday, January 29, 2010

36 weeks


Franki's position: very low with her head down.
Franki's heartbeat: 150
My weight: 162lb
Gestational measurement: 35cm
Stretchmarks: None
Belly button: still in
Sleep: waking up 6 times a night to go wee

01/29/10 - First internal appointment
Nurse Practitioner Tammy Rouleau swabbed for Group B streptococcus screening.
The GBS bacteria is usually harmless in healthy adults, but it can cause a relatively rare but very serious infection in newborns. (Group B is different from group A strep, the bacteria that causes strep throat.)

Between 10 and 30 percent of pregnant women carry GBS bacteria in the vagina or rectal area, where they may pass it to their babies during labor or birth. With proper prenatal testing and treatment during labor, though, the risk is small.

01/30/10 - Baby Moon
We had a mini baby-moon of sorts. Our friends invited us to join them at their Marriot timeshare in Newport Beach. It was very relaxing, we just played with our nephew, ate out, watched movies and chatted. The weather was a bit fresh to be at the pool or beach so we stayed indoors allot, which I never minded, it felt good to sit with my feet up for a change :-)

Friday, January 22, 2010

35 weeks

She dropped! I have not had medical confirmation, but I woke up feeling like I was kicked in the groin by a donkey then to confirm that, when I walked down the stairs I felt like she was going to shake right out of me!

Everyone says "baby will come when baby is ready" Well I'm telling you - baby is ready - my body is just not ready. I've had no contractions or any signs of birthing in anyway which is good - I believe with 5 weeks to go that's probably exactly how I should feel.

I miss my fingers - instead I have sausages for appendages, I have a large gold band I used to wear on my middle finger that I was wearing as a wedding band, well not even that will fit anymore.

I've spoken openly to friends and family about my nerves of birthing - I rarely hear a "good" birthing story and feel as if I am about to go through some sort of agonizing torture hell. Its a silly thought because I also know:
A)I have had an amazing pregnancy
B)have a high pain threshold
C)there is nothing I can do about it.

That's life and we are made to birth. My yoga instructor and friend Belinda tells me to "be present", view each experience as a blessing, breath, relax and be. She is right.

I firmly believe your attitude can influence and experience. Me being pregnant and having the privilege to birth life is an incredible blessing. I will stay positive. Focus, breathe and relax - live the moment.

Rejoice in the things that are present; all else is beyond thee.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

34 weeks

I never thought this would be me. I heard long before I was ever pregnant that when you get to the end you are big, achy and uncomfortable. Never a truer word spoken. I didn't think that would happen to me because I have had a blissful pregnancy!

This week my hands ached so bad the pain woke me at night - the feeling is how I would arthritis to feel. Family were a little concerned but after some research it seems very typical, in fact some people even get numbness. Its also a chilly time of year to be forced to wear sandals, I no longer can fit into shoes but thank goodness I travel less than 5 miles to work in my comfy car. My heart goes out to those pregnant ladies on buses in the rain not to mention Mary who had to travel on the back of a donkey at this point in her pregnancy!

Sleep is scarce with constant crotch pain and limited positioning but good practice for when I will be up all night with Franki, but surprisingly I am not as exhausted as one would think, this week I've had a burst of energy. I'm up easily at 5:30am and off to work and only start fading about 8:00pm.

Franki's dad has been amazing - helping with housework, massaging me elephant feet and patient during my bouts of silence. Even my sisters have asked why I have been so quiet. To be honest I couldn't be more happy in my life, I am completely content with no worries, I just don't feel myself so am not the usual goof people are used to :-)

I am on a constant learning alert - now with baby Bennett born I am getting to see things firsthand. I learned this week that there is no need to use alcohol on the umbilical cord, that the picture on the diaper goes in the front and that even newborns squirm like worms!

This weekend...I am packing my hospital bag - who knows - she may come any day now!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

33 weeks


The most exciting portion of my 33rd week - was today my little nephew was born!
Bennett Ritchie born a little early but healthy and well to proud parents Andrea and Mike and big brother Wyatt. He will also be closest in age to Franki! He weighed in at 6lb 15oz

It has been a magical experience going through our pregnancies together, even just this morning Andrea and I swapped stories and wondered and what "iffed", she has been an inspiration and I have enjoyed laughing over our woes and fears. I am so proud of you sister, you are a wonderful and incredible mother and woman!

..So here I sit...Not completely alone being pregnant with 3 friends close behind me, but somehow something feels amiss. I think this feeling is being brought on by the fact that Andrea giving birth was my final milestone before I knew we were next.

Yes, we are next!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Baby Shower!


WOW - let me just start with that!
Not only did most all my US friends and family attend the party but it was beautiful, fun, exciting, emotional and overwhelming. The party started at 2pm and was hosted by my mother in law with the kind help of her friends Pam and Jan.

I started getting really down just before as I was getting dressed, I tried all day not to think about how my mom would not be there, I tried to be brave and strong and accept it is what it is but as time drew near I could no longer contain it. I imagined her smiling and laughing, watching me open gifts, I imagined her hugging me and sharing in my joy. I have to treasure every moment I spend with Franki, our children and our families are the most important gifts we have that should never be taken for granted. miss you mom, more than anything in this world.

Cyndee my mom in law did such an amazing job of joining two completely random themes, a high tea with robots as if it was a completely usual sight. The decorations were seamless and gorgeous from her hand-wrapped boxes on each individually themed table, to all the tea sandwiches and beautiful tags on every tea bag that welcome Franki! I can't wait to get pictures to upload! My friend Lisa brought the best cupcakes in town and Renee made her famous white and red sangria - I truly am so blessed to have the friends I have.

There had to have been about 30 people at least, I tried so hard to spend a moment with each and every person, but I was also aware that time was short and didn't want people getting bored waiting around. We received so many beautiful gifts, we have everything we need, we won't need to buy Franki clothes for her first year and she got the best of everything, she is a spoiled little bean! It feels good to know that everyone is so excited to meet her and loves her already!

Franki you will look adorable in your color coordinated jackets and socks - your gigi even got you shoes that match specific outfits - we will need to find places to go out to show off your lovely fashions!

Thank you so much everyone for all your love and support, no words can describe how special and memorable you all made my baby shower.

Pictures to follow...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

32 weeks

Today I had our 32 week appointment. Nothing too eventful happened, Jennifer just weighed me (now 159 LB thats an 29 more than what I weighed pre-pregnancy) and took my blood pressure, then Dr. Chortkoff measured my belly, listened to Franki's heartbeat and and we chatted. That was that - she proclaimed everything is just as it should be so as always I was very excited to hear this.

I have struggled to sleep allot, since I should mostly sleep on my left - I get a burny sensation on that hip that keeps me awake, tossing and turning. I don't get the cramps anymore but instead now I am getting the tightening contractions called Braxton Hicks. I feel blessed that they don't always hurt but I have had three occasions when it hurt so bad they brought me close to tears - I really questioned my ability to hold out when the real contractions come because they say the Braxton's are "nothing" in comparison to real ones.

Still no stretch marks but Franki is definitely running short of space in here, I feel her movements allot stronger which can hurt at times, one day at the traffic light I actually thought for a split second I was rear ended because she kicked me so hard I was jolted. Andrea has warned me I have heartburn and rib kicking in my near future I am hoping like allot of the other typical symptoms I am spared of these two delights too.

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