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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Baby Shower!

WOW - let me just start with that!
Not only did most all my US friends and family attend the party but it was beautiful, fun, exciting, emotional and overwhelming. The party started at 2pm and was hosted by my mother in law with the kind help of her friends Pam and Jan.

I started getting really down just before as I was getting dressed, I tried all day not to think about how my mom would not be there, I tried to be brave and strong and accept it is what it is but as time drew near I could no longer contain it. I imagined her smiling and laughing, watching me open gifts, I imagined her hugging me and sharing in my joy. I have to treasure every moment I spend with Franki, our children and our families are the most important gifts we have that should never be taken for granted. miss you mom, more than anything in this world.

Cyndee my mom in law did such an amazing job of joining two completely random themes, a high tea with robots as if it was a completely usual sight. The decorations were seamless and gorgeous from her hand-wrapped boxes on each individually themed table, to all the tea sandwiches and beautiful tags on every tea bag that welcome Franki! I can't wait to get pictures to upload! My friend Lisa brought the best cupcakes in town and Renee made her famous white and red sangria - I truly am so blessed to have the friends I have.

There had to have been about 30 people at least, I tried so hard to spend a moment with each and every person, but I was also aware that time was short and didn't want people getting bored waiting around. We received so many beautiful gifts, we have everything we need, we won't need to buy Franki clothes for her first year and she got the best of everything, she is a spoiled little bean! It feels good to know that everyone is so excited to meet her and loves her already!

Franki you will look adorable in your color coordinated jackets and socks - your gigi even got you shoes that match specific outfits - we will need to find places to go out to show off your lovely fashions!

Thank you so much everyone for all your love and support, no words can describe how special and memorable you all made my baby shower.

Pictures to follow...

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