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Thursday, January 7, 2010

32 weeks

Today I had our 32 week appointment. Nothing too eventful happened, Jennifer just weighed me (now 159 LB thats an 29 more than what I weighed pre-pregnancy) and took my blood pressure, then Dr. Chortkoff measured my belly, listened to Franki's heartbeat and and we chatted. That was that - she proclaimed everything is just as it should be so as always I was very excited to hear this.

I have struggled to sleep allot, since I should mostly sleep on my left - I get a burny sensation on that hip that keeps me awake, tossing and turning. I don't get the cramps anymore but instead now I am getting the tightening contractions called Braxton Hicks. I feel blessed that they don't always hurt but I have had three occasions when it hurt so bad they brought me close to tears - I really questioned my ability to hold out when the real contractions come because they say the Braxton's are "nothing" in comparison to real ones.

Still no stretch marks but Franki is definitely running short of space in here, I feel her movements allot stronger which can hurt at times, one day at the traffic light I actually thought for a split second I was rear ended because she kicked me so hard I was jolted. Andrea has warned me I have heartburn and rib kicking in my near future I am hoping like allot of the other typical symptoms I am spared of these two delights too.

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